#bestbank #pointsoflight #presidentialawards #congratulations
Now, more than ever, service is an important attribute to the general success of a business and is necessary to tackle the most pressing issues of our times. Team Pioneer members are accepting the
In 2017 Pioneer Bank implemented the Team Pioneer program. Non-profit organizations now have the opportunity to contact the Bank to contribute financially or ask for volunteers. Many of the Team Pioneer team members are involved in a variety of community organizations. As a community bank, Pioneer is committed to making a positive difference by engaging in meaningful
and effective programs that work to improve the quality of life in our own communities and neighborhoods.
Hours are measured over a 12-month period and awards are designated based on cumulative hours. The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) recognizes, celebrates and inspires our
volunteers to lead the charge. The awards are offered in multiple levels and are designed to recognize each milestone of a volunteer’s service achievement. Levels include bronze, silver, gold
and the highest honor, the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award for those who contribute more than 4,000 hours of service in their lifetime.
Pioneer Bank is proud to announce that four employees have gone above and beyond in volunteering for their communities, and have each earned a 2017 Presidential Volunteer Service
Award at varied levels.

Las Cruces Team Pioneer members, Karissa Doan and Kiel Hoffman with their awards.
Las Cruces Team Member, Kiel Hoffman, Market President, volunteered over 337 hours throughout the region at various organizations, and has earned the Silver Award. Kiel is involved with many organizations, including the March of Dimes Southern New Mexico, Treasurer; Las Cruces Economic Forum, Past Chair; New Mexico Military Base Commission, Commissioner; The Bridge of Southern NM, Board Member; Mesilla Valley Economic Development Alliance, Board Member; Junior Leadership-Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce, Chair; Las Cruces Days in Santa Fe – Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce; Thanks Team WSMR – Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce; Government Affairs Committee – Greater Las Cruces Chamber of
Commerce; Military Affairs Committee – Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce; Conquistadores – Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce; and Revolution 120 Treasurer.
Karissa Doan, Retail Banking Supervisor in Las Cruces has volunteered over 200 hours helping the Las Cruces business community grow through the Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce Board, Chair of the Conquistadores; Leadership Las Cruces Board, Chair; March for Babies Executive Leadership Team, Executive Council Member; Conquistadores for the Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce Executive Council, Past Chair; Las Cruces Day in Santa Fe Committee, Coordinator of Governor’s Mansion; AM Las Cruces (Business Networking event held 6 times a year), Chair; Bataan Death March Committee, Member ; Thanks Team White Sands Missile Range, Member; and the Las Cruces Young Professionals, Member. She has earned the Bronze Award.

Roswell Team Pioneer members Nancy Montgomery and Juliana Halvorson with their awards.
Roswell Team Pioneer member, Nancy Montgomery, Retirement Specialist, earned a Bronze Award through her efforts to help retirees with their banking needs. She volunteered over 100 hours at the local retirement homes.
Additionally, Team Pioneer member Juliana Halvorson, Vice President of Marketing has earned the Gold Award for volunteering over 500 hours. She is committed to making Roswell a better place to live and is involved with MainStreet Roswell, Vice-President; Walker Aviation Museum Foundation, Board Member; Chaves County Tourism Council and many other non-profit organizations.
“Pioneer Bank supports our local communities through our people. We’ve always been a company where our team members get actively involved,” stated Christopher G. Palmer, Pioneer Bank President. “As a community-focused bank, we are committed to make a positive difference by engaging in meaningful and effective programs that work to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods. We are very proud of our Team Pioneer program and the positive impact it makes in our communities.” Along with the honor of presidential recognition, recipients received a personalized certificate, an official pin, medallion and a congratulatory letter from the President of the United States.