When your team members stay with your company and are very productive for so many years, you know you are doing something right as a business. We are so glad to announce work anniversaries with our team in Ruidoso.
Roxana Segovia recently celebrated five years with Team Pioneer. “Roxana has been with Pioneer Bank for 5 years starting as a teller and working her way up to a teller supervisor,” stated Donna Kaler-Ward, Vice President/Branch Manager. “She is a true professional; knowledgeable and compassionate. Roxie has the desire and drive to go far. She is a great asset at Pioneer Bank.”
Donna Kaler-Ward also celebrated a milestone with Pioneer Bank, with 15 years on our team. “Donna is a true Pioneer Bank success story,” said Denise Gendreau, Senior Vice President/Retail Operations. “Starting as a teller in October of 2004, she advanced to Ruidoso’s Retail Banking Supervisor in November of 2011. Three years later, she was promoted to Branch Manager and in February 2016, she became a Vice President. Donna’s skills are diverse, and she is always eager to learn and do more for Pioneer Bank and for Pioneer Bank’s customers. In her “off hours”, Donna is a gift singer and painter, and she also is skilled in processing tax returns during tax time. A busy lady that can multi-task. She is a vital part of Pioneer Bank, and please join me in celebrating her 15 years of service to the Bank and the Ruidoso community.”
Thank you Roxana and Donna for contributing so much to Pioneer Bank’s success. We look forward to many more years together.
Roxana Segovia, Teller Supervisor, receives her certificate from Christopher Palmer, CEO/President
Donna Kaler,Vice President/Branch Manager, receives her certificate from Christopher Palmer, CEO/President