Pioneer Bank is excited to celebrate 30 years of a great partnership with Becky Underation and Nancy Smith. These two wonderful ladies have seen us grow so much, and have been a huge part of our success. We are so grateful to have them with us.

Rebecca (Becky) Underation, VP – Mortgage Loan Officer
“Becky has been with Pioneer Bank since June 4, 1990,” says Scott Mohrhauser, SVP – Mortgage Lending. “Becky started her career at the Bank as a Mortgage Loan Officer. She was instrumental in programing the Bank’s mortgage software (MortgageWare). Becky is always willing to jump in and assist customers and the Mortgage Team whenever needed. She also volunteers for many worthy causes representing Pioneer within the communities we serve.”
Becky has seen many changes throughout the years she has been with Pioneer Bank. When asked if there were any stand out memories of her time with Pioneer, Becky stated, “Oh yes!” She continued by saying, “I have enjoyed my time at Pioneer.”
Thank you, Becky for all that you do! We look forward to the years ahead as well!

Nancy Smith, SVP – Mortgage Loan Underwriter
“Nancy has been with Pioneer Bank since June 14, 1990,” says Scott Mohrhauser, SVP – Mortgage Lending. “She actually started her career with Pioneer in 1983 as a Mortgage Loan Auditor and left for a brief time returning in 1990 to start up the Mortgage Loan Correspondent Program. Nancy maintains DE Underwriting Certifications for FNMA, FHA, and VA, and has been an integral part of the Pioneer Mortgage Team for 30 years. Nancy is always willing to impart her knowledge and expertise upon the Mortgage Team. She is also an active member of the Team Pioneer volunteer program.”
When asked what she liked about working for Pioneer Bank, Nancy stated, “I have met and worked with many wonderful people over these 30 years! I have really enjoyed my time at Pioneer.”
Thank you, Nancy for all you do! We look forward to the years ahead as well!