Congratulations to Delma Ellis and Amanda Archuleta on celebrating 5 amazing years with Pioneer Bank! Your hard work, dedication, and excellent customer service have been instrumental in helping our bank grow and succeed.

Vice President/Branch Manager in Carlsbad, Ericka Laney, has this to say about Delma, “Delma has been the Retail Banking supervisor now for 1.7 years and has been doing a wonderful job. Before becoming the RBS, she was a Customer Service Rep and teller.  She is quick to assist the team when needed, as well as our customers.  Delma jumps in on the teller line, new accounts, and consumer loans when she sees the need.  She has great customer service, always has the customers best interest in mind and is there for them when they have questions.  Delma is well respected at the branch; the team looks to her for advice and guidance.  Delma takes our mission seriously!!”  Delma added, “I have been in banking for about 17 years now and I can honestly say that Pioneer Bank truly supports its staff and treats everyone like family. I am thankful for the team I have here in Carlsbad we all work well together and strive for excellence.”

Annalicia Maynes, Branch Manager in Las Cruces also had high praises for Amanda, “Amanda is a lot of fun to work with. She has a loving soul that accepts and all personalities behind our teller line. She is capable of bringing the best out of you, even on your worst day. This also makes her customer service skills top tier.” Amanda was very happy to add, “My thoughts have been hopeful and promising during my career with Pioneer Bank. I’ve been happily employed for the last 5 years and have grown to truly admire the company. I believe I can make a positive impact and that the company’s values align with my own.”

Delma and Amanda, thank you for your invaluable contributions and continued commitment to providing outstanding banking experiences. Here’s to many more years of success! #bestbank #anniversary

Delma Ellis
Amanda Archuleta